Fr., 19. Jan.
TALK: Vibeka Viestad (University of Oslo/University of the Witwatersrand)
Title: The Kaross and the Hunter: the initiation of San Hunter-Gatherers and the role of dressing the part. Examples from rock paintings in Western Cape, South Africa
19. Jan. 2024, 15:00 – 16:00 MEZ
TITLE: The Kaross and the Hunter: the initiation of San Hunter-Gatherers and the role of dressing the part. Examples from rock paintings in Western Cape, South Africa
ABSTRACT: In South African rock art research, the kaross has often been a point of interest, highlighted in interpretations of imagery associated with shamanic experiences evoked by trance and altered states of consciousness as well as the possible representations of communal initiation rites of young hunters. This paper is meant as a response and support to the initiation hypotheses; that "'initiation camps' for young men did...take place in the Cape and were recorded in painted form" (Parkington and Paterson 2021), by further adding to the understanding of the kaross and its place in San life and culture, as well as introducing a different set of imagery, from the often overlooked rock art of the Klein Karoo in the Western Cape, that we find highly relevant to the discussion.
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